Real Men Wear Pink

Real Men Wear Pink

At MMG Gifts our entire family supports this amazing cause! Why? Because we are all affected by breast cancer. 


On October 1, 1975, my Granny died of metastatic breast cancer.
45 years ago, my life was forever changed, and my childhood was marked by a tremendous loss. I do not remember her, but I am acutely aware that I missed out on a whole lot of love and great Polish food. My annual mammogram stokes fear--for my mom, my sister, and me. Will we get metastatic breast cancer too?


1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime (National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.). Although rare (less than 1% of all breast cancers), men get breast cancer too. In 2020, an estimated 2,620 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year in the U.S. and approximately 520 will die ((National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.). Roughly 4% of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients are Stage IV at initial diagnosis, and an additional 30% of people who are diagnosed with early stage breast cancer will eventually metastasize. 114 individuals die each day from MBC in the United States (


In 1975 my Granny was one of those 114 individuals. Our family wants to make a difference and be part of the solution to this frightening disease. Do you have a loved one that you want to support or remember this October?


Well, I am proud to use our business, MMG Gifts, to fundraise for METAvivor, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women with metastatic breast cancer. Most impressively, 100% of their funding is devoted to research. We are selling PINK items and a specific dollar amount from each item will be collected and lumped into one meaningful contribution, honoring my Granny, in the fight to end deaths from metastatic breast cancer.


As for the boys and men in our family please see the handsome models in the photo (from left to right): Aaron, Jamie, Pappy and Matt. Aaron, Jamie, and Matt are modeling our One Size Leggings and Pappy is proudly modeling our Plus Size Leggings. All of the men raved about how soft and comfy these leggings are.
Melanie Greskovich